Become a Member

of the Lake Barcroft Woman's Club

  Join Here & Welcome! ⁠

2024-2025 Board of Directors


Merri Brown, Co-President

Holly Schneider, Co-President

Leann Obermeier, Co-VP for Fundraising

Eleanor Tyler, Co-VP for Fundraising

Nora Darago, Co-VP for Membership

Carol Hopkins, Co-VP for Membership

Jenny Alvarez, VP for Communications

Linda Winger, Secretary

Carol Tether, Treasurer

Lisa DuBois, Past Co-President

Joan Fisher, Past Co-President

Jan Rasgus, Parliamentarian


Victoria Fernandez, Archivist/Historian

Jean Meyer/Alice Edmondson, Community Events

Nora Darago, Directory 

Leigh Gonzalez, Home Health Aids

Marcia Diamond, Member Social Events

Roseanne Rubin/Elaine Mulligan, Website

About the Club's Heritage 

Become a member of the Woman's Club and meet talented women from all walks of life who share an appreciation for one another and for the community we have in Lake Barcroft. They will become some of your closest friends. Membership is open to any woman resident of Lake Barcroft.

The Club's purpose is threefold. Its primary purpose is charitable and it supports local charities through annual fundraising efforts. Second, the Club provides community support to Lake Barcroft, and finally, the Club seeks to unify the women of  Lake Barcroft through social activities.

  • There are two annual membership meetings: a Fall luncheon when the membership-selected charities are presented; and an end-of-year luncheon when officers are elected and installed for the upcoming Club year.
  • Led by the House Tour Chair, the Club organizes an annual House Tour event fundraiser. The proceeds of the fundraiser are distributed to the charities selected by the membership. All Club members help by selling House Tour tickets to neighbors and friends.
  • Led by the Community Events Chair, the Club organizes three Lake Barcroft events annually: Halloween Parade, Easter Egg Hunt and 4th of July Parade.
  • Members who have a particular interest that they want to share with others have organized Special Interest Groups. It has become a wonderful way to meet women who share a common interest. A member can sign up for as many Special Interest Groups as she desires or start one of her own. Participation is optional.
  • The Club organizes an annual Holiday Party and a themed party, e.g., a wine-tasting party, a dance party, etc. for its members and plus one. These events have a nominal fee to cover their costs.

First-time members can register to join by credit card or by check. Membership dues are $40 for the Club year from June 1 through May 31. Pay half the dues for the remainder of the Club year when joining after January 1.

Special Interest Groups

⁠ Descriptions 

  • Book Club
  • Crafts and Quaff
  • Creative Floral Arrangements
  • Eating Adventures
  • First Friday Fun and Games
  • Jeopardy and Trivial Pursuit
  • Mahjong
  • Theater Adventures