The Lake Barcroft Woman's Club is an all-volunteer, non-political, non-partisan and non-profit organization that welcomes all Lake Barcroft women residents to join. The club's primary purpose is charitable and it supports local charities through annual fundraising efforts. Second, the Club provides community support to Lake Barcroft, and finally, the Club seeks to unify the women of Lake Barcroft through social activities.
Your donation will enable the Woman's Club to continue its heritage of more than sixty years of community service to local charities and to the residents of Lake Barcroft.
The Woman's Club provides volunteers and sponsorship to several community service projects. They include but are not limited to the Clumore Cleanup, Justice High School All Night Party, Justice High School Band, Justice Pyramid Resource Fair and Bailey Crossroads Fire Department. Your contribution would enable the club to sponsor these and other community service projects.
A receipt will be emailed to you. Please keep the receipt for your records. Your support of the Lake Barcroft Woman's Club is important to us and very much appreciated. Thank you.
Have a Question? Contact LBWC Here
For club members making a donation, logging in is optional. If logged in, your donation will be included in your account. Otherwise, please provide your contact information at checkout. Thank you.
For nonmembers making a donation, please provide your contact information at checkout. Thank you.