Wine Tasting Fundraiser⁠

The holiday season may be past us, but how about finishing off the winter with wine and good company? If you are a member, join us for the LB Woman’s Club Wine Tasting Fundraiser on February 15th.


Lake Barcroft Upcoming Events:

⁠Easter Egg Hunt: April 19, 2025, 11am, Beach 5

House Tour: Sunday, May 4, 2025, 11 am

Halloween Parade

A beautiful fall day with lots of fall tree color created a perfect setting for the 48


  • Parade leader JEANNIE MEYER and her family who enthusiastically carry on this beloved annual tradition,
  • Refreshments coordinators NOMI TASLITT and MICHELE MOOREHEAD who threw a great “beach party” after the parade, and
  • Our “PR” team of JENNY ALVAREZ, ROSEANNE RUBIN, and ANDREA FUS who got the word out to the LB community and helped at the event.

We’d also like to thank the Justice HS Marching Band, Rick Kercz, Chris and Amelia Bonnaffon, and these fabulous ladies who baked or bought hundreds of cookies for all to enjoy and/or helped host the party at Beach 3 (We hope we didn’t miss anyone!):

Adele Neuberg, Aileen Pisciotta, Alice Edmondson, Ann Tunstall, Carol Hopkins, Carol Tether, Cathy Williams, Christine Lurie,  Denise Dreiman, Diane Kilbourne, Dottie Bennett, Heidi Bonnaffon, Jan Rasgus, Jenny Alvarez, Jessica Lynd, Jill Martin, Jo Ann Krukar-Webb, Joanne Wagner, Kathy Utgoff, Karen Apsel, Louise Ziebell, Marcia Grabowski, Marilyn DiPaolo, Martha Rubenstein, Michele Moorehead, Nomi Taslitt, Rebecca Thomas, Roseanne Rubin, Trang Gueron, Victoria Fernandez, and Wendy Diliberti. 

Your contributions to make the Lake Barcroft Community special are so appreciated!

Photos by Jenny Alverez and Alice Edmondson

Independence Day Parade - Cool Fun in the Hot Sun

Thanks to all who helped to make this day a great success!

This past July 4th Parade was just amazing in spite of the heat! What a great turn-out -- LB residents, friends, and lots of children marched on down Waterway Drive.

We send a heartfelt thank you to our Community Events chair, Alice Edmondson, to the Cookie Coordinators, Nomi Taslitt and Michelle Moorehead, and to the LB Marching Band who cheerfully guided the group, following Jeannie in her flag donning golfcart and the Fairfax County ambulance. All the marching guests in the celebratory walk enjoyed the music from Beach 5 to Beach 3. We send out a special and much deserved recognition with our gratitude to our beloved Jeannie Meyer! This was Jeannie's 50th year of running the parade (with a couple of short breaks in there).

Of course, Independence Day would not be the same without your delicious COOKIES and lemonade at Beach 3. We had a record number of cookies! THANKS to all the bakers! And thanks to all who helped organizing, setting up and making the event such a success: Adele Neuberg, Aileen Pisciotta, Alice Edmondson, Benton and Joan Fisher, Carla Grosz, Carol Hopkins, Cathy Williams, Debbie Ladwig, Denise Dreiman, Dottie Bennett, Eliana Turina, Heidi Bonnaffon, Jan Rasgus, Jenny Alvarez, Jo Ann Krukar Webb, Joanne Wagner, Julianne Mueller, Kathy Utgoff, Laura Fox, Lea Bellas, Linda Haake, Lynn Varshneya, Marilyn Di Paolo, Martha Rubenstein, Merri Brown, Nora Darago, Wanda Martinson and Wendy Diliberti. And thanks to Roseanne Rubin and Elaine Mulligan for all of their website work in preparation for the event.

Continuing the celebration at Beach 3, the band played the National Anthem and other lively patriotic tunes. We’re so grateful for the participation of the Lake Barcroft July 4th Marching Band.

The LBWC Board appreciates the involvement of all its members and their giving spirit which continues to shape our wonderful community. 

The LB Marching Band and their lively music

Nomi, one of our Cookie Coordinators

Lining up for cookies and lemonade -- what a turnout!

Refreshing in the lake after the march

Jeannie has been leading the march for 50 years. Thank you Jeannie!

Thank you for making the House Tour fundraiser a big success!

May 5, 2024

⁠Woman's Club House Tour Charity Fundraiser, A Big Success!

In spite of the drizzly weather, hundreds of Lake Barcroft residents and friends toured five lakefront homes

and made friends along the way. All while helping the community!

A HUGE THANK YOU to every Lake Barcroft resident and guest who bought tickets and made donations to

support this year’s Woman’s Club charities! Raised funds will be supporting the selected charities

  • Bailey's Crossroads Volunteer Fire Department
  • Culmore Clinic
  • English Empowerment Center
  • Justice High School Scholarship Fund
  • The Lamb Center
  • Justice High School's Food Pantry - The Wolf Shack

The Woman’s Club House Tour Charity Fundraiser this past May 5th was a big success due to your

contributions and the more than 70 Woman’s Club members and non-members who helped make the

House Tour fundraiser event happen!

The primary mission of the Woman’s Club is charitable – to raise funds to support local charities. We would

not have had such a great House Tour event without your involvement and support. THANK YOU!!!!


A wonderful spring morning, lots of great volunteers, and hundreds of excited kids combined to make

this year’s Woman’s Club Easter Egg Hunt a huge success!

Every corner of Beach 5 was filled with basket-toting kids and lots of cute bunny ears! About 3,000 eggs were scattered around and nearly all were found, including the four Golden Eggs. And, of course, the Easter Bunny made his annual appearance. The turn-out and the fun were fantastic!

MANY THANKS to our former (for 20+ years!) Easter Egg Hunt organizer Jeannie Meyer and her family, who helped guide us through the process this year, and MANY THANKS to Easter bunny, Rick Kercz, who chatted with kids throughout, managed the Golden Egg prizes, and gave out lollipops.

And, last but not least, THANKS SO MUCH to our new Egg Hunt Coordinator, Alice Edmonson, and the 30+ members of the Woman’s Club who stuffed eggs with over 10,000 jelly-beans, set up the hunt areas, hid eggs, directed kids, and cleaned up. Without the many hands from all our volunteers, we couldn’t have such wonderful Easter Egg Hunts and other community events.

Check out the photos below, courtesy of Andrea Fus, Wanda Martinson,  Linda Winger, and Jenny Alvarez.

⁠Several Woman's Club bunny helpers made this possible

The golden egg has fallen! (photo by Andrea Fus)

The little guys (0 to 3) in action. (photo by Andrea Fus)

A-hunting we will go!

Our presidents/decorators

One of the golden eggs was found by 6 year old Porter Murray

⁠Lake Barcroft families searching for eggs. (photo by Andrea Fus)

Show the bunny what you found! (photo by Andrea Fus)