⁠Charity Nomination Form

⁠ Questions? Contact LBWC President Here 

Nomination Rules:

  1. Your nomination for a charity must be submitted no later than August 22nd.
  2. Each nomination should state the charity's purpose, how the donation will be used if selected, and any other information that describes the work the charity has done. Please keep nominations to 200 words or less. You will receive an email confirmation of your nomination submission. If you do not receive an email confirmation, please contact LBWC President immediately.
  3. Nominations should be only for tax exempt organizations in Northern Virginia that are completely benevolent or philanthropic in nature or for a Lake Barcroft community project. (Funds from the charity must benefit the local area.)
  4. Only Club members who have paid their dues may submit a nomination and vote.
  5. The same charitable organization or community project may not be funded for more than two consecutive years, but may be re-nominated after one year.
  6. After nominations are received, ballot information and details about the voting process will be sent to each member prior to the Fall Membership Meeting in September. You can vote for three charities. Votes shall be limited to the charities and/or community projects that have been nominated in advance.

    First and Last Names of Nominator(s)
    State the charity's purpose, how the donation will be used if selected, and any other information that describes the work the charity has done. (200 words or less)