Spring Membership

Happy Hour Meeting

Thursday, May 23, 5-7 p.m.

At the home of Alice Edmondson

3524 Duff Drive

Your RSVP is requested no later than Monday, May 20, 2024.

Com⁠e to the Spring Membership Luncheon Meeting! It is a great time to catch up with each other in person, introduce a guest to the Club, and hear about the year's club activities.

We will begin with appetizers at 11:30 a.m., followed by the business meeting at noon, followed by the luncheon. ⁠The Zoom link below for the business meeting can be used by those who cannot attend in person. Please RSVP so we know to expect you on Zoom as well.


At the meeting, we will:

⁠             >   Elect officers for the 2023-2024 club year

             >   ⁠Recap this year's financials and vote on next year's budget

⁠             >   Report on House Tour charity fundraising results

             >   Draw the raffle prize winner.

Members, please login to Members Only to review and bring the handouts to the meeting.

⁠The luncheon will be potluck, served buffet style. The Board will provide the appetizers and desserts. We ask that members bring one of the following types of salads and include a "GF" label on the dish if the salad and dressing are gluten free.

  Green salad

  Vegetable salad⁠⁠

  Salad with pasta, legumes or grains

  Mixed salad incorporating meat, poultry or seafood

  Fruit salad  

Tell us that you are coming by submitting the RSVP form below by Sunday, May 21, 2023.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

We respectfully ask only fully vaccinated for Covid-19 attend for the safety of all.

Have a luncheon meeting question?  Contact Us Here 

For members who are logged in, your name and email address will be included automatically with your R.S.V.P. submission.

    Indicate the number of people in your party including yourself who will be attending.
    Please give the first and last names of anyone in your party who is NOT a current member for her name tag.
    Please check all that apply to your party.
    FOR WOMAN'S CLUB MEMBERS ONLY - please complete the following two items:
    Choose from the variety of salads